Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Speak with Kindness - without making anyone wrong

I read with much interest the comments by Dr Lo’Lo’ Ghazali on a proposal made by PAS to declare Sister in Islam (SIS) as haram as well as the issues of female reporters not covering their heads when attending PAS general assembly last week. In a male-dominated party, Dr. Lo’Lo’s sensible and brilliant comments put her male colleagues who are narrow minded and talked with no strong basis to shame.

Funny, I always thought that Islam prohibited extremism and radicalism. PAS should behave in mature manner particularly in dealings with women’s issues. Extremism and radicalism must be condemned as for me they are among few root causes of terrorism. We don’t want our country turning into another Afghanistan or Pakistan.

Imagine if PAS members who are Muslims and are the minority in non-Muslim countries, I am sure they do appreciate their freedom to practice their beliefs and not forced to follow other faiths.

To PAS, why do you have to be unjust and tarnish the good name of Islam? Islam’s image has been blemished lately; let us not get overzealous about these petty issues. For the sake of uniting this fast dividing country, ditch that narrow mentality so as not to taint people’s views on us. Respect the diversity that exists in this country.

‘Other races, religions and cultures deserve our respect. If you hear a slur or bigoted remark, do not join in. Stand up for equality.’ – it’s written in a book brought home by my daughter yesterday from her “You’ve Got Respectful Manners” class. And it’s written by a Christian lady.

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